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Here is Patrick Greene's wonderful documentary featuring our Halloween Festival and Carnival of Darkness.




Carnival of Darkness Awards

— North Carolina Horror: "Bobby Came Home," directed by Dave Harlequin.

— Bloodiest Good Short and the Director Award: "Hellscape," directed by Sam Sorenson.

— Cadaverous Comedy: "Three Sixes," directed by Justin Meckes.

— Outstanding Horror Actor: "Closet Space," directed by Glenn Lissner and Al Julian.

     The co-honorees were lead actors Troy Suter and Stillman Mba.

— Seething Suspense: "The Encounter," directed by Shaun Rogers.

— Sci-Fi: "Sincopat," directed by Pol Diggler.

— Monument Award: "The Darkness," directed by Svetlana Trébulle.

— Eye-Popping Award: "The Crane Wife," directed by Caleb C. Adams.

— Top Effects: "The Curator," directed by Eric Ayscue.

— Frightful Feature-length Screenplay: "The Scarecrow," written by Iam Typn.

— Chilling Short Screenplay: "Dinner With the Vampire," written by Bill Mulligan.

— Screenplay Feedback: "Black Heart," written by Millie Arlene Westermeyer.


Justin Casey's view of Miss Mary, Deadly David (as the Rev. George Carawan),and Bloodcurdling Brandon during our Paranormal Tour.

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